



Distinguished Professor, Ruey-Fang Yu, Ph.D.


余瑞芳 Ruey-Fang Yu

  • 姓名:余   
  • 英文姓名:Ruey-Fang Yu
  • 國籍:中華民國
  • 服務單位現職:國立聯合大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 特聘研究教授
  • 住址:360 苗栗市南勢里聯大二號
  • 電話:037-382279 傳真:037-381765
  • E-mailrfyu@nuu.edu.tw or acadnuu@gmail.com


  • 國立中央大學 環境工程研究所 博士 ( 1994/8 - 1998/7 )
  • 國立成功大學 環境工程研究所 碩士 1986/8 - 1988/7
  • 國立成功大學 環境工程學系 學士 1982/8 - 1986/7
  • 環境工程專門技術人員高考及格(環工技師)(1992


  • 國立聯合大學 特聘研究教授 (2021/8 – )
  • 國立聯合大學 副校長 (2016/8 – 2016/12)
  • 國立聯合大學 副校長暨教務長 (2011/8 – 2012/7)
  • 國立聯合大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 教授兼教務長 (2009/8 – 2011/7)
  • 國立聯合大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 教授兼學務長 (2006/2 – 2009/7)
  • 國立聯合大學 客家研究學院 代理院長 (2006/9 – 2007/3)
  • 國立聯合大學 環境與安全衛生工程系與工業設計系 合聘教授 (2009/8 – 2011/7)
  • 國立聯合大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 教授 (2004/8 - 2006/2)
  • 國立聯合大學 環境與安全衛生工程系 副教授 (2003/7 - 2004/7)
  • 國立聯合技術學院 環境與安全衛生工程系 副教授 (1999/8 - 2003/7)
  • 國立聯合工商專校 環境工程科講師/副教授 (1992/8 - 1999/6)


  1. 考試院 高普考及相關國家考試 典試委員、命題及閱卷委員(103-)
  2. 教育部 彈性薪資獎助 (102-105年,三年)
  3. 科技部 環境工程學門複審委員(105)
  4. 科技部/國科會 補助大專校院研究獎勵 (101-104106-113)
  5. 高等教育評鑑中心 大專校院委託辦理品質保證認可訪視委員(109)
  6. 國科會 銅鑼科學園區 環境保護監督小組 召集人(112 -)
  7. 國科會 新竹科學園區 環境保護監督小組 委員 (108 - 112)
  8. Eni award 2013/2015 – Nomination - A prize awarded by the Italian oil and gas company Eni with the aim of encouraging better use of energy sources and increased environmental research (http://www.eni.com/eni-award/eng/home.shtml)
  9. Reviewer for applications for the African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence, pilot programme(ARISE-PP). The ARISE-PP, implemented by the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) (2021)
  10. Anna University, Chennai, INDIAUniversity of Malaya, Malaysia邀請擔任Foreign Examiner to evaluate PhD thesis work
  11. 財團法人聯合工商教育基金會學術研究與著述獎(88-104)
  12. 中華民國環境工程學會 「中華民國環境工程學會八十七年學術論文獎」。
  13. 國科會乙等研究獎(84年、86)
  14. 中華民國環境工程學會環境規劃與管理委員會、出版委員會、環境資訊委員會,副主任委員、委員。
  15. 國立中央大學 環境工程研究所 傑出所友 (109)
  16. 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽會員學會-榮譽會員 (87)
  17. 87-112(含預核)連續26年每年均獲科技部/國科會研究計畫補助,其中107年度同時獲科技部2件一般型計畫補助
  18. 參與苗栗縣政府相關委員會 委員

    A. 苗栗縣政府殯葬設施審議會委員 (98-)

    B. 苗栗縣環境影響評估委員會委員 (95-)

    C. 苗栗縣政府國土計畫委員會委員 (108-)

    D. 苗栗縣SBIR計畫評選及審查委員會 委員(106-107111-)

    E. 苗栗縣政府低碳永續家園技術與資訊諮詢小組委員兼召集人 (102-

    F. 苗栗縣政府公害糾紛調處委員會委員 (95-)

    G. 苗栗縣空污基金委員/環境保護基金委員 (97-)

    H. 苗栗縣環境教育審議委員會委員 (102-)

    I. 苗栗縣土壤及地下水污染技術委員會委員 (108-)

  19. 擔任經濟部國營會國營事業環保工安總體檢 委員(112)
  20. 擔任新竹科學園區環保工安總體檢 委員(112)
  21. 擔任台灣電力公司綠色工地評鑑副召集人/委員 (108-)
  22. 擔任苗栗縣政府低碳永續家園技術與資訊諮詢小組委員兼召集人、台中市政府永續發展委員會、北台區域發展推動委員會、台中縣及苗栗縣空污基金委員、苗栗縣環境影響評估委員、苗栗縣政府公害糾紛調處委員會、等多個政府委員會委員,長期對地方永續發展、環境保護等工作提供許多專業性協助。
  23. 長期參與國內經濟部、環保署、工業局、科管局、縣市環保局針對國內產業有關於汙染防治與資源回收與再利用之各項評鑑與輔導工作,協助之廠商超過200家以上,對國內環境保護與綠色科技產業十分提供許多建議與協助。

Editor/Editorial Board

  1. Editor in chief, Journal of National United University, 2009-2012
  2. Editorial Board/Editor, The Scientific World Journal (SCI-E 2011 IF = 1.730), Hindawi Publishing Corporation, http://www.hindawi.com/journals/tswj/
  3. Editorial Board, Intelligent control and automation, Scientific Research, http://www.scirp.org/journal/ica
  4. Editorial Board, ISRN Environmental Chemistry, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, http://www.hindawi.com/isrn/environmentalchemistry/editors/
  5. Editorial Board, Advances in Environmental Research, An International Journal (AER). Techno Press Services, http://www.techno-press.org/?journal=aer&subpage=2#
  6. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Environmental Engineering, IRED Conferences & Journals, http://www.theired.org/conference_sponsors.html
  7. Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Structural Analysis and Design, IRED Conferences & Journals, http://www.theired.org/conference_sponsors.html
  8. Editorial Board, Austin Journal of Robotics & Automation, Austin Publishing Group, USA, http://austinpublishinggroup.com/robotics-automation/
  9. Member, Asian Council of Science Editors (ACSE), http://theacse.com/#


  1. Publication Chair, 2018 International Conference on Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (EWRE 2018), Jeju Island, Korea, October, 2018.
  2. Program Committee Co-Chair, C E U P 2014 -the 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, June 20-22, 2014 Wuhan, China.
  3. Editorial Board, International Conference On Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Engineering - ASEE 2014 organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 02-03 August, 2014.
  4. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE of the 6nd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT by World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2011
  5. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE of the 2nd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT by World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)


1.Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology (SCI=7.091, 2009), 2.Water Research (SCI=5.323), 3.Journal of Hazardous Materials (SCI=4.331, 2013), 4.Chemical Engineering Journal (SCI=4.058, 2013), 5.Chemosphere (SCI=3.499, 2013), 6.Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology (SCI=2.168), 7.International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (SCI=3.051), 8.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (SCI=2.084, 2012), 9.Environmental Science and Pollution Research (SCI=2.618, 2012), 10.Desalination (SCI=2.590), 11.Biochemical Engineering Journal (SCI=2.692), 12.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI=2.237), 13.Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI=1.400), 14.Journal of Polymers and the Environment (SCI=1.057), 15.American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 16.Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management (SCI), 17.Italian Journal of Remote Sensing (SCI), 18.African Journal of Biotechnology (SCI), 19.Chemical Engineering Communications (SCI), 20.Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering, 21. Water Environment Research (SCI)


  • Referred paper/Journal paper:
  1. Phuong Nguyen, Kieu Lan, Chuang, Yen Hsun, Yu, Ruey-Fang, Chen, Ching Yu, Chen, Ho Wen (2021/11) Developing an ANN-based Early Warning Model for Airborne Particulate Matters in River Banks Areas. Expert Systems with Applications, (SCI 2019 IF=5.452) 183(30) 115421
  2. Kieu Lan Phuong Nguyen, Yen HsunChuang, Ruey-FangYu, Ching Yu Chen, Ho Wen Chen (2021, Mar). Roles of Socio-Physical Environments on Air Quality Control Policy with Respect to Knowledge, Attitude and Intention. Journal of Cleaner Production, 288, 125735 (SCI 2019 IF=7.246)
  3. Fung Hwa Chi, Wen Po Cheng, Ruey Fang Yu, Zhao Feng Chen (2020/04) Electrical neutralization ability of polyaluminum chloride (PACl) coagulants with different OH–/Al3+ ratios by fluorescence quenching effect. Environment Protection Engineering 46 (2) 25-39 (SCIE 2019 IF=0.812)
  4. Yen Hsun Chuang, Winn-Jung Huang, Kieu Lan Phuong Nguyen, Wei-Yea Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, Ho Wen Chen (2019/04) Redundancy Analysis for Characterizing the Groundwater Quality in Coastal Industrial Areas. Environmental Forensics, 20, 77-91 (SCI 2018 IF=0.797)
  5. Yen Hsun Chuang, Ruey Fang Yu, Wei Yea Chen, Ho Wen Chen, Yu Ting Su (2018/9) Sustainable planning for a coastal wetland system with an integrated ANP and DPSIR model for conflict resolution. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 26(135), 1-22 (SCI 2017 IF=1.581)
  6. Wen Po Cheng, Yi Tsang Lu, Ruey Fang Yu, Xin Ru Lin, Han Xin Li (2018/7) Finding the Reaction Constant Between Humic Acid and Metal Ions by Fluorescence Quenching Effect International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.32) 4-6
  7. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Hong-Di Huang. (2017) Applying on-line image analysis to simultaneously evaluate the removals of suspended solids and color from textile wastewater in chemical flocculated sedimentation. Journal of Environmental Informatics 29(1), 29-38 (SCI 2016 IF=3.857)
  8. Ho-Wen Chen, Ruey-Fang Yu,, Yen-Hsun Chuang (2016) Bio-inspired optimal site selection of LPG stations for gas-driven cars in an urban region. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35, 1301-1309 (SCI 2016=2.045)
  9. Wen-Po Cheng, Chi-Hua Fu, Ruey-Fang Yu, Dun Ren Tian (2016) Application of nanofiltration membrane in the recovery ofaluminum from alkaline sludge solutions Advances in Environmental Research 5(2), 141-151
  10. Wen-Po Cheng, Ping-Hung Chen, Ruey-Fang Yu, Wei-Ni Ho (2016) Treating ammonium-rich wastewater with sludge from water treatment plant to produce ammonium alum. Sustainable Environment Research 26(2), 63-69 (SCI 2016=0.337) 獲中華民國環境工程學會107年度學術論文獎暨高肇藩教授紀念論文獎)
  11. Ruey-Fang Yu, Fung-Hwa Chi, Wen-Po Cheng, Min-Haw Wang (2015/05) Online monitoring of the nanoscale zero-valent iron process for trichloroethylene wastewater treatment. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 12(5), 1647-1656 (SCI 2014 IF=2.190)
  12. Winn-Jung Huang, Yu-Hao Lin, Wei-Yea Chen, Ho-Wen Chen, Ruey-Fang Yu. (2015/02) Causal Relationships among Biological Toxicity, Geochemical Conditions and Derived DBPs in Groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials 283, 24-34. (SCI 2014 IF=4.529)
  13. Fung Hwa Chi, Wen Po Cheng, Dun Ren Tian, Ruey Fang Yu, Chi Hua Fu (2015/6) Potassium alum crystal derived from aluminum salt in water treatment sludge by nanofiltration. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management 17(3), 522-528 (0) (SCI 2014 IF=0.950)
  14. Ruey-Fang Yu, Fung-Hwa Chi, Wen-Po Cheng, Z-C Chang (2014/11) Application of pH, ORP, and DO monitoring to evaluate chromium(VI) removal from wastewater by the nanosacle zero-valent iron (nZVI) process. Chemical Engineering Journal 255, 568–576, (SCI 2014 IF = 4.321)
  15. Ruey-Fang Yu, Wen Wang, Wen-Po Cheng, Ming-Min Chen. (2014/10) On-line evaluating the SS removals for chemical coagulation using digital image analysis and artificial neural networks. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11(7), 1817-1826, (SCI 2014 IF=2.190)
  16. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Yi-Jun Lin, Chin-Lan Huang. (2014/05) Monitoring of ORP, pH and DO in heterogeneous Fenton oxidation using nZVI as a catalyst for the treatment of azo-dye textile wastewater. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 45, 947-954. (SCI 2014 IF=3.000)
  17. Ruey-Fang Yu, Chuang-Hung Lin, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Ming-Chien Kao. (2013/02) Possible control approaches of the Electro-Fenton process for textile wastewater treatment using on-line monitoring of DO and ORP. Chemical Engineering Journal 218 341–349. (SCI 2014 IF = 4.321)
  18. Chuang-Hung Lin, Ruey-Fang Yu, Wen-Po Cheng, Chun-Ru Liu. (2012) Monitoring and control of UV and UV-TiO2 disinfections for municipal wastewater reclamation using artificial neural networks. Journal of Hazardous Materials 209-210, 348-354. (SCI 2014 IF=4.529) (Corresponding author)
  19. Wen-Po Cheng, Chi-Hua Fu, Ping-Hung Chen, Ruey-Fang Yu. (2012) Dynamics of aluminum leaching from water purification sludge. Journal of Hazardous Materials 217-218, 149-155. (SCI 2014 IF=4.529)
  20. Wen Po Cheng, Jen Neng Chang, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang. (2012) Assessing coagulant dosage in full-scale drinking water treatment plant using nephelometric turbidimeter monitoring system. Environ. Eng. Sci. 29, 3, 212-217 (SCI 2014 IF=0.991)
  21. Wen Po Cheng, Chi Hua Fu, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu (2012) Ultrasound Assisted Method To Increase The Aluminum Dissolve Rate From Acidified Water. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, 6(5) 481-485 (SCIE IF=0.998 )
  22. Wen Po Cheng*, Jen Neng Chang, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang. (2011). Turbidity fluctuation as a measure of floc size in a coagulation pilot study. Desalination and Water Treatment, 30, 98-104 (SCI 2014 IF=1.173)
  23. Wen Po Cheng*, Ying Ju Hsieh, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang. (2011). Comparing Floc Strength using a Turbidimeter. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 100, 142-148 (SCI 2014 IF=1.310).
  24. 余瑞芳* (2011)「電解Fenton廢水處理程序之自動化與最佳化之研究」,國科會工程科技通訊,Engineering science and technology bulletin, NSC,第112-113期,22-26.
  25. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Kuang-Yu Liu, Wen-Po Cheng, Peng-Han Hsieh. (2010). Control of the Fenton process for textile wastewater treatment using artificial neural networks. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 85, 267-278 (SCI 2014 IF=2.349)
  26. Wen Po Cheng*, Yu Pin Kao and Ruey Fang Yu. (2010). Comparison of Three Coagulants by On-Line Turbidity Monitoring. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, 163 (2), 89 –94 (SCI 2011 IF = 0.602)
  27. Wen Po Cheng*, Wei Yu Chen, Ruey Fang Yu. (2010). The relationship between particle size and turbidity fluctuations in coagulation process. Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, 7 (2), 87-94. (SCI 2014 IF = 0.156)
  28. Chen, H.W.Yu, R.F.Liaw, S.L.Huang, W.C. (2010). Information policy and management framework for environmental protection organization with ecosystem conception. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 7(2) 313-326 (SCI 2011 IF = 3.051)
  29. Ho-Wen Chen, Shu-Kuang Ning, Ruey-Fang Yu, Jeng-Chung Chen. (2010). Optimal safe groundwater yield for land conservation in a seashore area under uncertainty. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 54, 481-488. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.759) (2) (19/45, ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL)
  30. Chen, H. W.; Yu, R. F.; Ning, S. K.; Huang, H. C. (2010). Forecasting effluent quality of an industry wastewater treatment plant by evolutionary grey dynamic model. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 54, 235-241. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.759)
  31. Wen Po Cheng*, Ruey Fang Yu, Ying Ju Hsieh, Shu Yi Wu, Yu Wei Huang, Sin Ming Chen. (2010). Optimizing Coagulant Demand by Nephelometric Turbidimeter Monitoring System (NTMS). Desalination and Water Treatment, 16, 95-100 (SCI 2011 IF = 0.614)
  32. Wen Po Cheng*, Wei Yu Chen, Ruey Fang Yu. (2010). PAC Coagulation for Solid-Liquid Separation of High-Concentrated Algae Suspensions. Desalination and Water Treatment, 16, 290-297 (SCI 2011 IF = 0.614)
  33. Wen Po Cheng*, Jen Neng Chang, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang, Ying Ju Hsieh. (2010). Monitoring Floc Formation to Achieve Optimal Flocculation in Water Treatment Plants. Environ. Eng. Sci., 27(6), 523-530 (SCI 2011 IF = 0.877)
  34. Wen Po Cheng*, Ying Ju Hsieh, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang, Shu Yi Wu. (2010). Characterizing polyaluminum Chloride(PACI) Coagulation Floc Using an On-Line Continuous Turbidity Monitoring System. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 41,547-552. (SCI 2011 IF = 2.110)
  35. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi, Yu Pin Kao and Ruey Fang Yu. (2010). Using On-line Turbidimeter Monitoring Technique in Evaluating Algal Suspension Removal. Environment Protection Engineering, 36 (4), 65-75. (SCI 2011 IF = 0.520)
  36. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Peng-Han Hsieh. (2009). Dosage control of Fenton process for color removal of textile wastewater applying ORP monitoring and artificial neural network. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 135(5), 325-332. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.312 / 環工學門重點期刊)
  37. Ho-Wen Chen*, Ni-Bin Chang, Ruey-Fang Yu, Yi-Wen Huang. (2009). Urban land use and land cover classification using the neural-fuzzy inference approach with Formosat-2 data. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 3, 1-18 (SCI 2011 IF = 0.818)
  38. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Yu-Chiu Shen. (2009). Application of pH-ORP titration to dynamically control the chlorination and dechlorination for wastewater reclamation. Desalination 244, 164-176 (SCI 2011 IF = 2.590)
  39. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Mei-Ling Chu. (2009). Simultaneously monitoring the particle size distribution, morphology and suspended solids concentration in wastewater applying digital image analysis (DIA). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 148, 19-26 (SCI 2011 IF = 1.400)
  40. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Yu-Chiu Shen. (2008). Dynamic control of disinfection for wastewater reuse applying ORP/pH monitoring and artificial neural networks. Resources Conservation and Recycling 52, 1015–1021 (SCI 2011 IF = 1.759).
  41. Wen Po Cheng*, Yu Pin Kao and Ruey Fang Yu (2008). A Novel Method for On-Line Evaluation of Floc Size in Coagulation Process. Water Research, 42(10-11), 2691-2697. (SCI 2011 IF = 4.865)
  42. Wen Po Cheng*, Chin Chang Li, Ruey Fang Yu. (2008). Preparing polyaluminum chloride coagulants using ultrasonic-assisted NaOH dosing. Environmental Engineering Science 25 (3), pp. 451-459. (SCI 2011 IF =0.877 )
  43. Wen Po Cheng*, Chin Chang Li, Ruey Fang Yu and Wei Chih Chuang. (2008). A Study on the Removal of Organic Substances from Low-Turbidity and Low-Alkalinity Water with Metal-Polysilicate coagulants. Colloids and Surfaces A. 312(2-3), 238-244 (SCI 2011 IF=2.236)
  44. Wen Po Cheng*, Chin Chang Li and Ruey Fang Yu. (2007). Study on Coagulation Property of Polyaluminum Silicate Chloride Coagulants Prepared with Ultrasonic-Assisted NaOH Dosing. Separation Science and Technology, 42, 3217-3228 (4) (SCI 2011 IF = 1.088)
  45. Ho-Wen Chen*, Shu-Kuang Ning, Ruey-Fang Yu, Ming-Sung Hung. (2007). Optimizing the Monitoring Strategy of Wastewater Treatment Plants by Multiobjective Neural Networks Approach. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 125, 325-332. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.400)
  46. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu. (2006). Evaluation the Ability of Polyaluminum Silicate Chloride Coagulants for Turbidity Removal Efficiency" Separation Science and Technology, 41(2), 297-308. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.088)
  47. 余瑞芳* (2006)「廢水加氯消毒自動控制技術之研發」,國科會工程科技通訊,Engineering science and technology bulletin, NSC,第86期,127-131.
  48. Ho-Wen Chen* and Ruey-Fang Yu. (2006). Evolutionism of environmental information system through quality system. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering. 16 (2), 103-109.
  49. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng and Mei-Ling Chu. (2006). Measurements of Wastewater True color by 4/6 Wavelength Methods and Artificial Neural Network. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 118(1-3), 195-209. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.400)
  50. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu. (2005). Using Chitosan as a Coagulant in Recovery of Organic matters from the Mash and Lauter Wastewater of Brewery. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 13(4), 383-388. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.349)
  51. 余瑞芳* (2005) 應用數位影像分析技術於廢水真色色度自動監測與除色程序自動控制之研究」,國科會工程科技通訊,Engineering science and technology bulletin, NSC,第79期,91-93.
  52. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Wen-Po Cheng and Mei-Ling Chu (2005). On-line monitoring of wastewater true color using digital image analysis and ANN” JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING-ASCE, 131(1), 71-79. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.312 / 環工學門重點期刊)
  53. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Fung-Hwa Chi, Shu-Liang Liaw and Yue-Hwa Yu (2004). Development of a Data Quality Management System for ROC EPA. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering. 14 (3), 141-149. (SCI)
  54. Ruey-Fang Yu*. (2004). Feed-forward dose control of wastewater chlorination using on-line pH and ORP titration. Chemosphere. 56(10), 973-980 (SCI 2011 IF = 3.206)
  55. 余瑞芳*、陳鶴文 (2004) 「環境資訊品質之規劃與管理」,中華民國環境工程會刊第十五卷第一期,第33-38頁,中華民國環境工程學會。
  56. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu. (2004). Evaluation the Coagulation Efficiency of Dissolve Organic Carbon Removal in Reservoir Water Sample Using Fluorescence and Ultraviolet Photometry. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 98(1-3), 421-431 (SCI 2011 IF = 1.400)
  57. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu. (2004). Effect of Phosphate on Removal of Humic Substances by Aluminum Sulphate Coagulant. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE. 272, 153-157. (SCI 2011 IF = 3.070)
  58. Cheng, W.P., Yu, R.F., Chen, C.H., Chi, C.H. (2004) Enhanced coagulation on reservoir water by dual inorganic coagulants. Environmental Engineering Science, 20(3) 229-235 (SCI 2014 IF =0.991)
  59. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Wen-Po Cheng. (2003). Determination of chlorine demand in water and wastewater chlorination by oxidation-reduction potential. (2003) Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 3 (1-2) , pp. 313-320
  60. Cheng, W.P., Yu, R.F. (2003). Microwave-assisted preparation of polyferric sulfate coagulant. Separation Science and Technology, 38 (1), pp. 39-55. (SCI)
  61. 余瑞芳*、廖述良、游家桓 (2002).「區域性廢水管理系統最佳化模式之建立」聯合學報 vol. 21,國立聯合技術學院,pp. 237-254
  62. 余瑞芳*、鄭文伯、朱美玲 (2002) 「應用數位影像分析技術於廢水真色色度自動監測之可行性研究」環保月刊 Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 122-131
  63. 余瑞芳*、鄭文伯、朱美玲 (2002) 「以數位影像分析技術監測廢水真色色度之研究」,聯合學報vol. 19,國立聯合技術學院,pp. 197-210
  64. 鄭文伯*余瑞芳、湯屏玉、張婕妤、陳建勛、紀哲訓 (2002)「以飲用水觀點探討明德水庫水質優養化的成因與影響」,聯合學報, vol. 19pp  國立聯合技術學院。
  65. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Shu-Liang Liaw, Bo-Chuan Cho, and Sue-Jane Yang (2001). Dynamic control of a continuous-inflow SBR with time-varying influent loading. Water Science and Technology, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp.107-114. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.122)
  66. Bo-Chuan Cho*, Shu-Liang Liaw, Cheng-Nan Chang, Ruey-Fang Yu, Su-Jan Yang and Bo-Ren Chiou (2001). Development of a real-time control system with artificial neural network for automatic control of a continuous-flow sequencing batch reactor. Water Science and Technology Vol. 44, No. 1, pp.95-104.(SCI 2011 IF = 1.122)
  67. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Shu-Liang Liaw, Wan-Yuan Cheng and Cheng-Nan Chang (2000/10).  Performance enhancement of a SBR applying real-time control. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 126, No. 10, pp. 943-948. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.312 / 環工學門重點期刊).
  68. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Shyh-Fang Kang, Shu-Liang Liaw and Mei-chih Chen (2000/8). Application of artificial neural network to control the coagulant dosing in water treatment plant. Water Science and Technology Vol. 42, No. 3-4. pp. 403-408 (SCI 2011 IF = 1.122).
  69. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Shu-Liang Liaw, Chang-Nan Chang and Wan-Yuan Cheng (1998). Applying real-time control to enhance the performance of nitrogen removal in continuous-flow SBR system. Water Science and Technology Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 271-280. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.122)
  70. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Shu-Liang Liaw, Cheng-Nan Chang and Wan-Yuan Cheng (1997). Enhancing the Performance of Nitrogen Removal in Continuous-flow SBR system Using Real-time Control. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 319-328. (獲中華民國環境工程學會87年度學術論文獎)
  71. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Shu-Liang Liaw, Cheng-Nan Chang, Hsueh-Jhy Lu and Wan-Yuan Cheng (1997). Monitoring and Control Using On-line ORP on Continuous-flow Sludge Batch Reactor System. Water Science and Technology. Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 57-66. (SCI 2011 IF = 1.122).
  72. C.-N Chang*, J.-G Lin, A.-C Chao, B.-C Cho, R.-F Yu (1997/9). The Pretreatment of Acrylonitrile and Styrene with the Ozonation Process. Water Science and Technology (SCI) Vol. 36, No. 2-3, pp. 263-270. (25) (SCI 2011 IF = 1.122).
  73. 余瑞芳*,張鎮南,陳婉如 (1996) 「自動ORP監控於好氧生物處理系統運用之初探」中國環境工程學刊 ,第六卷,第二期,pp. 165-171
  74. 余瑞芳*、張鎮南、廖述良 (1995)「氧化還原電位(ORP)在廢水處理系統運用」,工業污染防治,第14卷,第1期。pp. 139-150
  75. Cheng-Nan Chang*, Ruey-Fang Yu, Allen C. Chao and Seishu Tojo (1994). On-line Monitoring and Control of the Textile Wastewater Color Removal Process. Water Science and Technology Vol.30, No. 3, pp. 265-274. (25) (SCI 2011 IF = 1.122).
  76. 張鎮南*余瑞芳,陳婉如 (1993) 「好氧生物處理系統中ORP控制技術可行性研究」東海大學學報 ,第三十四卷,pp. 743-752


  1. 余瑞芳、陳昀智、謝光鵬、黃信文、馬肇聰、鄭銀標、余佾耿(2020)「田間湛水感測裝置、田間湛水感測系統、及田間湛水感測方法」中華民國發明專利,證書字號:I707294號。
  2. 余瑞芳、林宏明、周宜君(2016),「芬頓(Fenton)反應系統控制方法、控制裝置及廢水處理系統(METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING FENTON SYSTEM, AND WASTEWATER PROCESSING SYSTEM)中華民國發明專利證書字號I576316號。
  3. 余瑞芳、黃素真、陳樵諺 (2016)液晶感測單元、液體檢測系統及液體檢測方法(LIQUID CRYSTAL SENSOR UNIT, LIQUID DETECTION SYSTEM AND METHOD)中華民國發明專利,證書字號I522680號。
  5. 鄭文伯, 高瑜苹, 余瑞芳,(2012),「利用濁度量測值的變異性來推估膠凝程序中膠羽顆粒體積的變化情況」(Applying the variation of turbidity measurement to estimate the change of flocs size in flocculation process)中華民國發明專利,證書字號I 387560號。
  6. 余瑞芳、沈玉秋,朱美玲(2010)「廢水加氯消毒與除氯程序之前饋控制裝置與方法(A feed-forward control device and method for wastewater chlorination and dechlorination)中華民國發明專利,證書字號 I 324585 號。。
  7. 廖述良、王祥洲、余瑞芳(2006),「數位影像即時流量監測系統及方法」(Digital Image Real Time Flow Measurement System and Application Method for Thereof)中華民國發明專利,證書字號: I 262297 號。
  8. 廖述良、羅家麒、余瑞芳(2006),「線上攝氧率即時監控方法」(On-line Monitoring and Control Method of Respiration)中華民國發明專利,證書字號: I 265154 號。


  1. Yu-Zhen CHIU, ,Chun-Chen CHUANG, Zi-Die YANG, Ruey-Fang YU* (2023). Development of cholesterol liquid crystal sensors for VOCs detection in atmospheric environment-Effects of the thinness of liquid crystal layer. The JpGU (Japan Geoscience Union) Meeting 2023, Chiba, Japan, May 21-26 2023.
  2. Chun-Yen Kuo, Kuang-Peng HSIEH, Yung-Cheng HU, Ruey-Fang YU* (2023). Development of a Multi-function Water Depth Sensor in the Irrigated Paddy Fields for Water Resource Management and Precision Agriculture. The JpGU (Japan Geoscience Union) Meeting 2023, Chiba, Japan, May 21-26 2023.
  3. Siang-Ying HUANG, Kuan-Po CHAO, Ruey-Fang YU* (2019). Applications of the Cholesteric Liquid Crystal (CLC) Sensor for Rapid Measurements of the Acetone and Toluene in the Atmosphere Environment. The 4th International Conference on Materials Technology and Applications. Kyoto, Japan, October 11-14, 2019.
  4. Ruey-Fang YU*, Siang-Ying HUANG, Kuan-Po CHAO (2019). Applications of the Cholesteric Liquid Crystal (CLC) Sensor to Rapidly Measure the Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmosphere Environment. The JpGU (Japan Geoscience Union) Meeting 2019, Chiba, Japan, May 26-30 2019.
  5. Shin-Hu CHAO, Hsien-Kuan LIAO, Ruey-Fang YU* (2019). Application of the modified liquid crystal (LC) sensor to identify the hydroxy radical from Fenton reaction. 9TH International Conference on Future Environmental and Energy, January 09-11, 2019 Osaka, Japan,
  6. Ruey-Fang YU*, Cing-Cina TANG, Xue-Yan HUANG, Yu-Ming HSU, Shih-Yuan LIAO (2018). Monitoring of pH and ORP to evaluate the phosphate removals of the TFT-LCD wastewater by chemical coagulation process. Asian Conference on Civil, Material and Environmental Sciences (2018 ACCMES), Kyoto, Japan, July 10-12, 2018.
  7. Ruey-Fang YU, Lei-Xu Chen, Hsien-Kuan Liao, Shin-Hu Chao (2017). Liquid crystal (LC) based sensor for quantitative identification of the chemical oxidants in aquatic environments. 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science-Fall Session (ICETA-Fall 2017), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, November 7-9, 2017.
  8. Ruey-Fang YU, Jun-Xian Jiang, Yun-Zhi Chen (2017). Monitoring and control of nano-Zero Valent Iron (nZVI) process for phosphate removal in wastewater treatment. 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science-Fall Session (ICETA-Fall 2017), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, November 7-9, 2017.
  9. Ruey-Fang YU, Siang-Ying Huang, Yi-Wen Hsu (2017). Control of the H2O2 dosage in the nZVI-Fenton process for textile wastewater treatment. 2017 International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science-Fall Session (ICETA-Fall 2017), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan, November 7-9, 2017.
  10. Jun-Xian Jiang, Ruey-Fang Yu (2017). Applications of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) to remove the color from azo-dye textile wastewater. 2017 International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences. Nagoya, Japan, March 29-31, 2017.
  11. Ciao-Yan Chen, Lei-Xu Chen, Ruey-Fang Yu* (2016). Applications of Liquid crystal (LC) based sensor for the quantitative identifications of H2O2 and NaClO in aquatic environments. The 4th International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences March 29-31, 2016 Kyoto, Japan. 
  12. Jing-Lan Huang, Yi-Wen Hsu, Ruey-Fang Yu* (2016). Control of the optimal H2O2/Fe2+ ratio in Photo-Fenton wastewater treatment using DO and ORP monitoring. The 4th International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences March 29-31, 2016 Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto, Japan.
  13. Jun-Xian Jiang, Hsien-Kuan Liao, Ruey-Fang Yu* (2016). Monitoring of ORP, pH, DO in Nzvi Wastewater Treatment Process for Chromium Cr(VI) Removal. The 4th International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences, March 29-31, 2016 Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto, Japan.
  14. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Wen-Po Cheng, Hung-Ming Lin, Chin-Lan Huang (2015). DO set–point control for the optimal H2O2/Fe+2 ratio of the Fenton wastewater treatment process, The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environment (acsee2015), Osaka, Japan, Jun. 11-14, 2015.
  15. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Fu-Sheng Chen (2014). Application of on-line image analysis to control the coagulant dosage for water treatment plant. The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environment (acsee2014), Osaka, Japan, Jun. 12-15, 2014.
  16. Ho-Wen Chen, Yen-Hsun Chuang, Ruey-Fang Yu, Mei-Chun Lin, Wei-Lun Lin (2013). A conceptual framework for understanding the role of situational factors toward the attitudes, intensions, and behaviors in air quality policy, The Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environment (acsee2013), Osaka, Japan, Jun. 5-8, 2013.
  17. Wen Po Cheng, Chi Hua Fu, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu (2012) “Ultrasound Assisted Method To Increase The Aluminum Dissolve Rate From Acidified Water” WASET, Tokyo, Japan, Pp. 1156-1160, May, 29-30.
  18. 余瑞芳、劉純如、林妝鴻,(2010),「以UV作為家庭廢水再利用之消毒程序自動監控之研究」2010營建管理研討會論文集,998月,苗栗。
  19. Wen-Po Cheng, Ruey-Fang Yu, Ying-Ju Hsieh, Shu-Yi Wu, Yu-Wei Huang, Sin-Ming Chen (2008). Prove the relationship between particle size and turbidity fluctuations by image analysis. European Conference Data Mining 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  20. 余瑞芳、謝朋翰、莊贄龍,(2007) Fenton程序處理反應性染整廢水色度之自動監控研究第三十二屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。高雄大學/高雄。961123日。
  21. Ruey-Fang Yu*, Wen-Po Cheng, Mei-Ling Chu (2007). Simultaneously monitoring the particle size distribution, morphology and suspended solids concentration in wastewater applying digital image analysis (DIA). IWA International Conference on particle separation 2007, 9 - 12 July 2007, Toulouse, France   
  22. Wen Po Cheng, Chun Chang Li and Ruey Fang Yu (2007). Coagulation Characteristics of PASiC Prepared with Ultrasonic-Assisted NaOH Dosing. IWA International Conference on Particle Separation, Toulouse, France, July, 9 – 12.
  23. 余瑞芳、沈玉秋、何靖萱、莊贄龍,白家榮、(2006)應用pH/ORP自動滴定系統為廢水加氯消毒及除氯自動控制之研究」第三十一屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。東海大學/台中。951117-18日。
  24. 余瑞芳、謝朋翰、何靖萱,(2006)「以Fenton程序處理染整廢水色度之自動控制」第三十一屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。東海大學/台中。951117-18日。
  25. 余瑞芳、沈玉秋、何靖萱、莊贄龍,白家榮,(2006)應用類神經網路於廢水加氯消毒及除氯程序自動控制之研究」第四屆環境資訊術研討會論文集。東海大學/台中。951117-18日。
  26. Ho-Wen Chen, Ruey-Fang Yu, Wen-Po Cheng, Hsiu-Yuan Chien, Tze-Wen Chi. (2006). Assessment of groundwater safe-yield. Proceeding of the 2006 IASME/WSEAS International Conference on water resources, hydraulics & hydrology, Chalkida, Evia Island, Greece. May 11-13, 2006.
  27. 余瑞芳、陳鶴文、鄒倫、廖述良、於幼華,(2005),「環境資訊品質管理與驗證制度之規劃」,94年環境資料庫暨空氣品質監測系統建置成果發表會論文集,第A73-90頁,台灣大學,台北。1205日。
  28. 余瑞芳、陳鶴文、廖述良、鄒倫,(2005),「環境資訊品質驗證制度之規劃」,永續環境管理之制度與方法研討會論文集,第120-134頁,中央大學,中壢。930日。
  29. 余瑞芳、朱美玲、沈玉秋、陳建龍、潘威豪、張德葉,(2004),「以ORPpH自動滴定系統作為廢水加氯消毒自動控制之研究」,第二十九屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。成功大學/台南。1126-27日。
  30. 余瑞芳、蔡勇斌、黃家輝、沈之敏、林姵汝,(2004),「Fenton程序處理染整廢水自動控制之初步研究」,第二十九屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。成功大學/台南。1126-27日。
  31. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen-Po Cheng, Fung-Hwa Chi, Shu-Liang Liaw and Yue-Hwa Yu. (2004). Development of the data quality management process for the ROC EPA. 第二屆環境資訊研討會,成功大學/台南,1126-27日。
  32. 陳鶴文余瑞芳、廖述良、於幼華,(2004),「環境資訊品質管理系統分析-專案計畫管理」,第二屆環境資訊研討會,成功大學,成功大學/台南。1126-27日。
  33. 陳鶴文余瑞芳、廖述良、於幼華,(2004),「環境資訊品質之查核驗證分析」,第二屆環境資訊研討會,成功大學,成功大學/台南。1126-27日。
  34. R. F. Yu, W. P. Cheng, M. L. Chu, C. L. Chen and W. H. Pan. (2004). Dynamic dosage control of wastewater chloramine chlorination using pH and ORP titration. The IWA 4th World Water Congress, Marrakech, Morrocan, 19-24, Sep. 2004.
  35. Wen-Po Cheng, Ruey-Fang Yu, Pei-Zhen Shi. (2004). The Relationship between Eutrophication and Enhanced Coagulation Efficiency for Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal. The IWA 4th World Water Congress, Marrakech, Morrocan, 19-24, Sep. 2004.
  36. Ruey-Fang Yu, Wen-Po Cheng, Mei-Ling Chu, Chia-hui Huang. (2004). Calibration of the ADMI 3 with 31 WL true color values using the artificial neural network. Proceeding of the IWA 2nd International Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring, Vienna, Austria, 19-20, Apr. 2004. pp. 333-338.
  37. Ruey-Fang Yu, Wen-Po Cheng and Mei-Ling Chu. (2003). Calibration of the ADMI 3 with 31 WL true color values using the artificial neural network. 第二十八屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。台中。1127-28日。
  38. 余瑞芳、陳鶴文、余泰毅、廖述良 (2003) 「環境資訊品質管理計畫書之內涵與品質管理作業要點之研擬」,92年環境資料庫建置研討會。台北。
  39. 陳鶴文、余瑞芳、廖述良、余泰毅(2003)「環境資料品質驗證制度之分析與建立」,92年環境資料庫建置研討會。台北。
  40. 余瑞芳、鄭文伯、朱美玲(2002)「廢水真色色度分析方法與數位影像分析技術應用之研究」第二十七屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。台北。
  41. 余瑞芳、張怡怡、廖述良、於幼華(2002)「我國環境資料品質管理系統之初步規劃」第十五屆環境規劃與管理研討會論文集,台北。
  42. 余瑞芳、廖述良、林柏仁2002)「環境資料品質管理系統之初步規劃」地方環境資料庫及環境資料品質系統建置研討會論文集,台北。
  43. 泣奉華、余瑞芳、鄭文伯、陳鶴文、廖述良(2002)「專案計畫品保計畫書之檢討與修正」地方環境資料庫及環境資料品質系統建置研討會論文集,台北。
  44. 廖述良、余瑞芳2002)「環境資料詮釋系統(環境資訊源管理系統)規劃與建置」環境資料庫及資訊系統建置研討會,台北。
  45. Ruey-Fang Yu and Wen-Po Cheng (2002). Determination of chlorine demand in water and wastewater chlorination by ORP. Proceeding of IWA 3rd World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 7-12 April 2002
  46. 余瑞芳、鄭文伯、蔡定裕、陳建龍、呂明坤、鍾欣華、張德葉(2001)「以ORP滴定決定水及廢水加氯消毒需氯量之研究」第二十六屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。高雄。
  47. 鄭文伯、余瑞芳、陳建勛、紀哲訓、林蔚宗、陳秀珠、凌彗紋 (2001)「混合使用兩種不同型態混凝劑對增強混凝效果之影響」第二十六屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。高雄。
  48. 翁煥廷、林碧亮、余瑞芳、盧品仲、廖述良(2001)「應用BIE法最佳化都會區污水管網系統水力設計程式」第十四屆環境規劃與管理研討會論文集,高雄。
  49. 廖述良、余瑞芳(2001)我國環境資料庫之建置規劃第六屆中華民國實驗室管理與認證論文發表會論文集(專題演講 keynote speech)
  50. 余瑞芳、廖述良、宋淳伍、於幼華(2000)「永續臺灣資訊系統 - 詮釋資料庫之建立」第十三屆環境規劃與管理研討會論文集,雲林。
  51. 余瑞芳、鄭文伯、林孟君、陳仁德、蔡定裕、陳淑玲、葉宗學(2000)「加氯消毒自動控制之初步研究」第二十五屆廢水處理技術研討會論文集。雲林。
  52. 鄭文伯、余瑞芳、徐志豪、張家豪(2000)「微波法製備多元硫酸鐵混凝劑之可行性研究及性能評估」第二十五屆廢水處理技術研討會。雲林。
  53. 卓伯全、廖述良、邱柏仁、余瑞芳(2000)「應用類神經網路輔助建立動態連續進流循序批分式活性污泥系統之即時控制策略」第二十五屆廢水處理技術研討會,雲林。
  54. Ruey-Fang Yu, Shu-Liang Liaw, Bo-Chuan Cho, and Sue-Jane Yang (2000). Dynamic control of a continuous-flow SBR with time-varying influent loading. Proceeding of The second IAWQ Specialized conference on Sequence Batch Reactor Technology, Narbone, France, 2000
  55. Bo-Chuan Cho, Shu-Liang Liaw, Cheng-Nan Chang, Ruey-Fang Yu, Su-Jan Yang and Bo-Ren Chiou (2000). Development of a real-time control system with artificial neural network for automatic control of a continuous-flow sequencing batch reactor. Proceeding of conference on wastewater and EU-nutrient guidelines, implementation of EU nutrient emission guidelines policy, practical, technological and managerial aspects. Netherlands.
  56. Ruey-Fang Yu, Shyh-Fang Kang, Shu-Liang Liaw and Mei-chih Chen (1999). Application of artificial neural network to control the coagulant dosing in water treatment plant. Proceeding of the 7th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, pp. 1453-1458, 1999, Taipei.
  57. 卓伯全、廖述良、余瑞芳、楊素禎1999「應用類神經網路推估硝化及脫硝反應終點之可行性研究」第二屆環境系統分析研討會,台南,1999
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  59. Ruey-Fang Yu, Shu-Liang Liaw, Cheng-Nan Chang and Wan-Yuan Cheng (1998). The System Dynamics and Performance of a Real-time Controlled Continuous-flow SBR."第二十三屆廢水處理技術研討會,高雄,1121-22日,1998
  60. 余瑞芳,廖述良,康世芳,陳萬原,陳美枝1998「應用類神經網路於水及廢水處理系統自動控制之初步研究」第一屆環境系統分析研討會,台南,1217-19日,1998
  61. Ruey-Fang Yu, Shu-Liang Liaw, Chang-Nan Chang and Wan-Yuan Cheng (1998/6).  Applying real-time control to enhance the performance of nitrogen removal in continuous-flow SBR system. Proceeding of IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
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  63. 張鎮南、廖述良、卓伯全、余瑞芳、陳長祈(1997/12)「連續批分式生物膜程序(SBBR)去除高有機氮廢水程序控制技術之研究」第二十二屆廢水處理技術研討會。台中,126-7日,1997
  64. Ruey-Fang Yu, Shu-Liang Liaw, Cheng-Nan Chang and Wan-Yuan Cheng (1997/5). Application of Artificial Neural Network in Real-time Control of Continuous-flow SBR System. Proceeding of 6th IAWQ Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Korea, May 20-23, 1997. 
  65. R. F. Yu, S. L. Liaw , C. N. Chang, H. J. Lu and W. Y. Cheng (1996). The Monitoring and Control Using On-line ORP on Continuous-flow Sludge Batch Reactor. Proceeding of the First IAWQ Specialized conference on Sequence Batch Reactor Technology, pp. 97-106, Germany Mar.
  66. Cheng-Nan Chang, Jih-Gaw Lin, Ruey-Fang Yu and Fong-Bing Hsu (1996). Production of Nitrous Oxide Gas Under SBR System. Proceeding of the First IAWQ Specialized conference on Sequence Batch Reactor Technology, pp. 399-404, Germany, Mar. 1996.
  67. Ruey-Fang Yu, Shu-Liang Liaw, Cheng-Nan Chang and Wan-Yuan Cheng (1996). Real-time Control of Continuous-flow SBR System Applying Artificial Neural Network. 第十六屆電腦程序控制研討會,pp. 118-127, 台北,1211-121996
  68. 余瑞芳、廖述良、張鎮南、陳萬原「類神經網路於連續流SBR廢水處理系統即時控制之應用」第二十一屆廢水處理技術研討會。pp. 457-464, 台北,1123-24日,1996
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  70. 陳萬原、廖述良、余瑞芳1996)「單槽連續流SBR廢水處理系統自動控制之研究ORPpH為監控參數」,第二十一屆廢水處理技術研討會。pp. 98-104, 台北,1123-24日,1996
  71. 呂學智、廖述良、余瑞芳、陳萬原 (1995) 「單槽連續流回分式活性污泥系統自動化之初步研究--pHORPDO為監控參數之探討」 第二十屆廢水處理技術研討會pp. 2~69-76。台南。
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計畫名稱:奈米零價鐵結合Fenton 廢水處理程序處理工業廢水之自動化與最佳化之研究(I)執行起迄:2010/08/01~2011/07/31









計畫名稱:Fenton 系列廢水處理程序之自動化與最佳化之研究





























































