郑文伯 教授 |
学历 |
私立东海大学环境科学学系学士(民国74年) |
私立东海大学应用化学研究所硕士(民国76年) |
国立交通大学环境工程博士(民国86年) |
Educational Background |
B.S.,Department of Environmental Science, Tunghai University (1985) |
M.S.,Institute of Applied Chemistry,Tunghai University(1986) |
Ph.D.,Institute of Civil Engineering,National Chiao Tung University (1997) |
一、研究专长与兴趣 |
1.环境质量分析 研究化学污染物的环境行为,包含污染物进入环境后,在各类别环境中与环境因子进行的溶解、挥发、迁移、扩散、吸附、沉降、代谢等物理化学现象,藉此了解化学污染物所引发环境质量之变化情形。 2.给水物化处理研究 针对传统饮用水处理方式包含化学混凝、过滤及消毒程序提出微观之反应机制探讨,主要以胶体及溶解性有机物混凝反应机构、过滤吸附界面化学反应机构及消毒副产品之反应机构为主。 3.混凝剂特性研究 研究各类混凝剂之本性与适用范围及其混凝机制,开发新型混凝剂之制造方式并提升其功能。 |
二、著作 |
期刊论文: 1. Wen Po Cheng and Chihpin Huang (1995) "Adsorption of Ferrocyanide and Ferricyanide Ions at the Aluminum Oxide Solution Interface", Toxicological and Environ. Chemistry, 52, 153-167. 2. Wen Po Cheng and Chihpin Huang (1996) "Adsorption Characters of Iron-Cyanide Complex on g-Al2O3", J. Colloid Interface Sci., 181, 627-634. (SCI 2007 IF = 2.033环工学门重点期刊) 3. Chihpin Huang, and Wen Po Cheng (1997) "Thermodynamic Parameters of Iron-Cyanide Adsorption onto g-Al2O3", J. Colloid Interface Sci., 188, 270-274. (SCI 2007 IF = 2.033环工学门重点期刊) 4. Wen Po Cheng and Chihpin Huang (1999) "Adsorption Behavior of Iron-Cyanide onto g-Al2O3 Interface: A Coagulation Approach", J. Colloid Interface Sci., 213, 204 -207. (SCI 2007 IF = 2.033环工学门重点期刊) 5. Wen Po Cheng, Chihpin Huang and Yi Chuan Chine (2000) "Competitive Adsorption of Ferricyanide and Ferrocyanide on g-Al2O3 Serface", J. Colloid Interface Sci., 224, 291-296. (SCI 2007 IF = 2.033环工学门重点期刊) 6. Wen Po Cheng (2001) "Hydrolysis Characteristic of Polyferric Sulfate Coagulant and its Optimal Condition of Preparation" Colloids and Surfaces A, 182, 57-63. (SCI 2007 IF = 1.601) 7. Wen Po Cheng (2001) "Hydrolytic Characteristics of Polyferric Sulfate and its Application in Surface Water Treatment" Separation Sci. Technol 36 (10), 2265-2278. (SCI 2007 IF = 1.048) 8. Wen Po Cheng, C. J. Chang, F. M. Huang, S. W. Huang, J. W. Zhang, J. H. Shyu and J. H. Chang (2001)" Evaluating the Enhance Coagulation Efficiency With Different Type Coagulants " Journal of National Lien-Ho Institute of Technology, 18, 171-178. 9. Wen Po Cheng and Chu Jason (2002)"Optimal Conditions in the Coagulation for Color Removal from Dyestuff Wastewater" Journal of the Chinese Institute Environment Engineering 12(1), 29-39. 10. Wen Po Cheng (2002) "A Study on Coagulation Mechanisms of Iron Salt and Salicylic Acid" Separation Sci. Technol, 37(9), 2113-2127. (SCI 2007 IF = 1.048) 11. Wen Po Cheng (2002)"Comparison of Hydrolysis/Coagulation Behavior of Polymeric and Monomeric Iron Coagulants on Humic Acid" Chemosphere 47(9), 963-969. (SCI 2007 IF = 2.739 环工学门重点期刊) 12. Wen Po Cheng and Fung Hwa Chi (2002)"A Study of Mechanisms of Polyferric Sulfate Coagulating with Humic Acid using Fluorescence Quenching Method" Wat. Res. 36(18) 4583-4591. (SCI 2007 IF = 3.427 环工学门重点期刊) 13. 余瑞芳, 郑文伯, 朱美玲 (2002) "以数字影像分析技术监测废水真色色度之研究"联合学报19, 197-210。 14. 余瑞芳, 郑文伯, 朱美玲 (2002) "应用数字影像分析技术于废水真色色度自动监测之可行性研究" 环保月刊, 14, 122-131. 15. 郑文伯, 余瑞芳, 汤屏玉, 张婕妤, 陈建勋, 纪哲训 (2002) "以饮用水观点探讨明德水库水质优养化的成因与影响"联合学报19, 181-188. 16. Wen Po Cheng, Ruey Fang Yu, Chien Hsun Chen and Che Hsun Chi (2003) "Enhanced Coagulation on ReservoirWater by Dual Inorganic Coagulants" Environ. Eng. Sci., 20(11), 229-235. (SCI 2007 IF = 1.054) 17. Wen Po Cheng and Fung Hwa Chi (2003)"Influence of Eutrophication on the Coagulation Efficiency in Reservoir Water" Chemosphere, 53(7), 773-778. (SCI 2007 IF = 2.739 环工学门重点期刊) 18. Ruey Fang Yu, Wen Po Cheng (2003) "Determination of chlorine demand in water and wastewater chlorination applying ORP titration". Water Sci. Technol: Water Supply, 3(1-2), 313–320. 19. Wen Po Cheng and Ruey Fang Yu (2003)"Evaluating the Microwave Oxidation Approach to Preparing Polyferric Sulfate Coagulant" Separation Sci. Technol., 38(1), 39-55. (SCI 2007 IF = 1.048) 20. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu (2004)"Evaluation the Coagulation Efficiency of Dissolve Organic Carbon Removal in Reservoir Water Sample Using Fluorescence and Ultraviolet Photometry" Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 98(1-3), 421-431. (SCI 2007 IF = 0.853) 21. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu (2004) "Effect of Phosphate on Removal of Humic Substances by Aluminum Sulphate Coagulant " J. Colloid Interface Sci. 272, 153-157. (SCI 2007 IF = 2.033环工学门重点期刊) 22. Wen Po Cheng*, Pei Zhen Shi, Sheng Hsiang Wang, Yu Chen Lee (2004) "Promoted the Removal Efficiency of Turbidity and DOC in Drinking Water Coagulation Process by Chitosan Coagulant" 联合学报 , 25, 37-43. 23. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen Po Cheng, Fung-Hwa Chi, Shu-Liang Liaw and Yue-Hwa Yu (2004). "Development of a Data Quality Management System for ROC EPA." Journal of the Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering. 14 (3), 141-140. 24. Ruey-Fang Yu, Wen Po Cheng and Chu, Mei Ling (2005) "Real-time control of wastewater chlorination using ORP and pH " Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE,131(1), 71-79. (SCI 2007 IF=1.174 环工学门重点期刊) 25. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu (2005) "Using Chitosan as a Coagulant in Recovery of Organic matters from the Mash and Lauter Wastewater of Brewery" Journal of Polymers and Environment, 13(4), 383-388. (SCI 2009 IF = 1.571) 26. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi and Ruey Fang Yu (2006)" Evaluating the Coagulants of Polyaluminum Silicate Chlorides on Turbidity Removal" Separation Sci. Technol, 41(2), 297-308. (SCI 2009 IF = 1.028) 27. Fung Hwa Chi and Wen Po Cheng (2006)" Use of Chitosan as Coagulant to Treat Wastewater from Milk Processing Plant" Journal of Polymers and Environment, 14, 411–417. (SCI 2009 IF = 1.571) 28. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen Po Cheng and Mei-Ling Chu. (2006). Measurements of Wastewater True color by 4/6 Wavelength Methods and Artificial Neural Network. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment. 118,195-209.(SCI 2009 IF = 1.056) 29. Wen Po Cheng*, Chin Chang Li and Ruey Fang Yu (2007) “Study on Coagulation Property of Polyaluminum Silicate Chloride Coagulants Prepared with Ultrasonic-Assisted NaOH Dosing” Separation Sci. Technol, 42, 3217-3228.(SCI 2009 IF = 1.028) 30. 郑文伯*, 陈玮仪 (2007) “藻来固碳” 科学研习, 46(8), 14-18. 31. Wen Po Cheng*, Chin Chang Li, Ruey Fang Yu and Wei Chih Chuang (2008) “A Study on the Removal of Organic Substances from Low-Turbidity and Low-Alkalinity Water with Metal-Polysilicate coagulants” Colloids and Surfaces A.312(2-3), 238-244 (SCI 2009 IF = 1.988) 32. Wen Po Cheng*, Chin Chang Li and Ruey Fang Yu (2008) “Polyaluminum Chloride Coagulants Prepared with Ultrasonic-Assisted NaOH Dosing“Environ. Eng. Sci. 25(3), 451-459 (SCI 2009 IF = 1.111) 33. Wen Po Cheng*, Yu Pin Kao and Ruey Fang Yu (2008) “A Novel Method for On-Line Evaluation of Floc Size in Coagulation Process” Water Research, 42(10-11), 2691-2697. (SCI 2009 IF = 4.355 环工学门重点期刊) 34. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen Po Cheng, Yu-Chiu Shen. (2008) “Dynamic control of disinfection for wastewater reuse applying ORP/pH monitoring and artificial neural networks” Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 52, 1015–1021(SCI 2009 IF = 1.987). 35. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen Po Cheng and Mei-Ling Chu (2009) “Simultaneously monitoring the particle size distribution, morphology and suspended solids concentration in wastewater applying digital image analysis (DIA)”Environmental Monitoring & Assessment. 148(1-4), 19-26. (SCI 2009 IF = 1.056) 36. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen Po Cheng, Yu-Chiu Chen (2009) “Application of pH-ORP titration to daynamically control the chlorination and dechlorination for wastewater reclamation” Desalination, 224(1-3), 164-176. (SCI 2009 IF = 2.034). 37. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Wen Po Cheng, Peng-Han Hsieh, (2009) “Dosage control of the Fenton process for color removal of textile wastewater applying ORP monitoring and artificial neural networks” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 135(5), 325-332 (SCI 2009 IF=1.048 环工学门重点期刊, In press). 38. Ruey-Fang Yu, Ho-Wen Chen, Kuang-Yu Liu, Wen Po Cheng and Peng-Han Hsieh (2010)“Control of the Fenton process for textile wastewater treatment using artificial neural networks” J Chem Technol Biotechnol, 85, 267–278.(SCI 2009 IF = 2.045) 39. Wen Po Cheng*, Yu Pin Kao and Ruey Fang Yu (2010) “Comparison of Three Coagulants by On-Line Turbidity Monitoring” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management, 163 (2), 89 –94 (SCI 2009 IF = 0.731). 40. Wen Po Cheng*, Wei Yu Chen, Ruey Fang Yu (2010) “The relationship between particle size and turbidity fluctuations in coagulation process” Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, 7 (2), 87-94. (SCI 2009 IF = 0.451). 41. Wen Po Cheng*, Ruey Fang Yu, Ying Ju Hsieh, Shu Yi Wu, Yu Wei Huang, Sin Ming Chen (2010) “Optimizing Coagulant Demand by Nephelometric Turbidimeter Monitoring System (NTMS)” Desalination and Water Treatment, 16, 95-100 (SCI IF = 0.752) 42. Wen Po Cheng*, Wei Yu Chen, Ruey Fang Yu (2010) “PAC Coagulation for Solid-Liquid Separation of High-Concentrated Algae Suspensions” Desalination and Water Treatment, 16, 290-297 (SCI IF = 0.752). 43. Wen Po Cheng*, Jen Neng Chang, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang, Ying Ju Hsieh (2010) “Monitoring Floc Formation to Achieve Optimal Flocculation in Water Treatment Plants” Environ. Eng. Sci., 27(6), 523-530(SCI 2009 IF = 1.111). 44. Wen Po Cheng*, Ying Ju Hsieh, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang, Shu Yi Wu, (2010) “Characterizing polyaluminum Chloride(PACI) Coagulation Floc Using an On-Line Continuous Turbidity Monitoring System “ Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 41,547-552. (SCI 2009 IF = 1.412). 45. Wen Po Cheng*, Fung Hwa Chi, Yu Pin Kao and Ruey Fang Yu (2010) “Using On-line Turbidimeter Monitoring Technique in Evaluating Algal Suspension Removal” Environment Protection Engineering, 36 (4), 65-75. (SCI 2009 IF = 0.427). 46. 郑文伯*, 傅启华, 谢盈如(2010) “应用超音波震荡方式提升净水污泥之铝盐回收效率“ 环境工程会刊, 21(4), 1-13. 47. Wen Po Cheng*, Jen Neng Chang, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang (2011) “Turbidity fluctuation as a measure of floc size in a coagulation pilot study” Desalination and Water Treatment ,30, 98-104 (SCI IF = 0.752). 48. Wen Po Cheng*, Ying Ju Hsieh, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang, (2011) “Comparing Floc Strength using a Turbidimeter” International Journal of Mineral Processing, 100, 142-148 (SCI 2009 IF = 1.196). 49. Wen Po Cheng*, Jen Neng Chang, Ruey Fang Yu, Yu Wei Huang, “Assessing coagulant dosage in full-scale drinking water treatment plant using nephelometric turbidimeter monitoring system” Environ. Eng. Sci.,doi:10.1089/ees.2010.0477 (SCI 2009 IF = 1.111). 50. Wen Po Cheng*, Chi Hua Fu, Ping Hung Chen, Ruey Fang Yu, “A study of aluminum recovery from acidified Alum sludge” Environmental protection engineering (submitted). 51. Wen Po Cheng*, Chi Hua Fu, Ruey Fang Yu, “Dynamics of Aluminum Leaching from Water Purification Sludge”
1.Wen Po Cheng and Chihpin Huang (1996) "Effect of Temperature and pH on Adsorption of Ferrocyanide onto g-Al2O3", Proc. IAWQ 1th International Conference on Adsorption in Water Environmental and Treatment, Shirahama, Wakayama, Japan, 58-65. 2.郑文伯, 黄志彬, 林焕修 (1996) "铁亚铁氰化错合离子在不同金属氧化物表面之吸附现象" 第二十一届废水处理技术研讨会论文集, 573-579. 3.郑文伯, 黄志彬, 卢秉志, 刘彭誉 (1998) "以混凝机制决定Ferrocyanide 与Ferricyanide离子在氧化铝固液界面之吸附行为" 第五届海峡两岸环境保护学术研讨会, 1319-1324. 4.郑文伯, 黄志彬, 林玲甄, 陈秋金 (1998) "多元硫酸铁混凝剂之制备及其在水处理上之应用" 第十五届自来水处理技术研讨会论文集, 433-439. 5.郑文伯, 黄志彬, 李韪城, 陈宜萱, (1998) "多元硫酸铁之制备及其应用于染料废水之研究"第二十三届废水处理技术研讨会论文集, 491-495. 6.郑文伯, 林宜泓, 郭百松, 杨富雄 (1998) "多元硫酸铁混凝剂制造及其特性分析"中台湾环境保护研讨会论文集, 129-137. 7.郑文伯, 林依玲, 梁瑞霖, 简玮廷 (1999) "不同型态铁盐混凝剂对水杨酸分子混凝机构之探讨” 第二十四届废水处理技术研讨会论文集, 911-916. 8.Wen Po Cheng (2000) "Characterization and Use of Polyferric Sulfate Coagulant for Surface Water Treatment" 1st World Congress of the International Water Association, Pairs, France. 9.郑文伯, 陈秋金, 张至蕙, 黄淑婉 (2000) "以荧光熄灭效应探讨多元硫酸铁对腐植酸之混凝反应机构" 第十七届自来水处理技术研讨会论文集, 85-94. 10. 郑文伯, 陈秋金, 张至蕙, 黄富美(2000) "多元性与单核性铁盐混凝剂对腐植酸混凝反应机构之比较" 第二十五届废水处理技术研讨会论文集, 1074-1080. 11. 郑文伯, 余瑞芳, 徐志豪, 张家豪 (2000) "微波法制备多元硫酸铁混凝剂之可行性研究及性能评估" 第二十五届废水处理技术研讨会论文集, 667-673. 12. 余瑞芳, 郑文伯, 林孟君, 陈仁德, 蔡定裕, 陈淑玲, 叶宗学 (2000) "加氯消毒自动控制之初步研究" 第二十五届废水处理技术研讨会论文集, 1006-1011. 13. 郑文伯, 余瑞芳, 陈建勋, 纪哲训, 林蔚宗, 陈秀珠, 凌彗纹 (2001) "混合使用两种不同型态混凝剂对增强混凝效果之影响"第二十六届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 14. 余瑞芳, 郑文伯, 蔡定裕, 陈建龙, 吕明坤, 钟欣华, 张德叶 (2001) "以ORP滴定决定水及废水加氯消毒需氯量之研究"第二十六届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 15. 郑文伯, 泣奉华, 陈建勋, 纪哲训, 林蔚宗, 陈秀珠, 凌彗纹, 成忻 (2001) "水库水质优养化对增强混凝效果之影响"第十八届自来水处理技术研讨会论文集. 16. Ruey Fang Yu, Wen Po Cheng (2002) "Determination of chlorine demand in water and wastewater chlorination applying ORP titration" 3th World Congress of The International Water Association. 17. 郑文伯,高瑜苹,张懿文,徐培真,王圣祥,王俊伟 (2002)"原水混凝前后荧光与溶解性有机物去除率之相关性"第二十七届废水处理技术研讨会论文集 18. 郑文伯, 周金助 (2002) "环境数据质量系统之标准作业程序研拟"地方环境数据库及环境数据质量系统建置研讨会论文集,台北。2002/12 19. 泣奉华, 余瑞芳, 郑文伯, 陈鹤文(2002)"项目计划品保计划书之检讨与修正"地方环境数据库及环境数据质量系统建置研讨会论文集,台北。2002/12 20. 余瑞芳, 郑文伯, 朱美玲(2002)「废水真色色度分析方法与数字影像分析技术应用之研究」第二十七届废水处理技术研讨会论文集。台北. 21. 郑文伯,泣奉华,王圣翔,徐培真,李昱辰 (2003)"几丁聚醣处理啤酒醣化废水之研究"第二十八届废水处理技术研讨会论文集 22. 郑文伯,高瑜苹,张懿文,徐培真,王圣翔,连乃宽,李昱辰,梁淑珍 (2003) "硫酸铝混凝剂对磷酸根与腐植酸的去除机构探讨"第二十届自来水处理技术研讨会论文集. 23. Ruey Fang Yu and Wen Po Cheng (2004) "Calibration of the ADMI3 with 31 WL true color values using an artificial neural network" 2nd International IWA conference on automation in water quality monitoring, Vienna, Austria, April, 19-20. 24. Wen Po Cheng, Ruey-Fang Yu and Pei-Zhen Shi (2004) "The Relationship between Eutrophication and Enhanced Coagulation Efficiency for Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal" 4th World Congress of the International Water Association, Marrakech, Morocco, Sep.19-24. 25. Ruey-Fang Yu and Wen Po Cheng (2004) "Dynamic Dosage Control of Wastewater Chloriamine Chlorination Using pH and ORP Titration" 4th World Congress of the International Water Association, Marrakech, Morocco, Sep.19-24. 26. Ruey Fang Yu, Ho Wen Chen, Wen Po Cheng, Fung Hwa Chi, Shu-Liang Liaw and Yue-Hwa Yu. (2004). Development of the data quality management process for the ROC EPA. 第二届环境信息研讨会,成功大学/台南,11月26-27日。 27. 郑文伯,徐培真,李昱辰,王圣祥 (2004) "不同聚硅氯化铝混凝剂型式对浊度去除效率之研究 "第二十一届自来水处理技术研讨会论文集. 28. 郑文伯, 泣奉华, 徐培真, 李昱辰, 连乃宽 (2004) "几丁聚醣混凝处理乳品加工废水之研究"第二十九届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 29. 郑文伯, 徐培真,李昱辰,王圣祥,李俊昌(2005) "老化程序对聚合性混凝剂混凝效率之影响"第二届海峡两岸饮用水安全控制技术及管理研讨会(北京) 30. 郑文伯, 李俊昌, 李昱辰, 庄伟智, 谢盈如 (2005) "聚硅氯化铝(PASiC)混凝剂对低浊度低碱度原水中有机物去除效率之研究"第三十届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 31. Ho-Wen Chen, Ruey-Fang Yu and Wen Po Cheng (2006) "Assessment of Groundwater Safe-yield" WSEAS International Conference on Water Resources, Hydraulics & Hydrology Chalkida, Greece, May, 11-13. 32. 郑文伯, 李俊昌, 庄伟智, 陈奕睿, 高瑜苹, 谢盈如 (2006)"超音波震荡方式进行碱添加对聚合性无机混凝剂性质之影响"第三届海峡两岸饮用水安全控制技术及管理研讨会(新竹),pp128-139. 33. 郑文伯, 高瑜苹, 谢盈如, 李俊昌, 庄伟智, 陈奕睿 (2006)"铁铝硅复合混凝剂开发及其对藻類去除之研究"第三十一届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 34. 郑文伯, 庄伟智, 陈奕睿, 李俊昌, 陈玮仪, 谢盈如 (2006)"超音波加碱方式控制多元氯化铝聚合程度及稳定性之方法"第三十一届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 35. Wen Po Cheng, Chun Chang Li and Ruey Fang Yu (2007)"Coagulation Characteristics of PASiC Prepared with Ultrasonic-Assisted NaOH Dosing" IWA International Conference on Particle Separation, Toulouse, France, July, 9 – 12. 36. Ruey Fang Yu and Wen Po Cheng (2007)"Simultaneously monitoring the particle size distribution, morphology"IWA International Conference on Particle Separation, Toulouse, France, July, 9 – 12. 37. 郑文伯, 陈玮仪, 陈威仲, 周汉威 (2007) “高浓度水藻混凝去除研究” 第三十二届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 38. Wen Po Cheng, Ruey Fang Yu, Ying Ju Hsieh, Shu Yi Wu, Yu Wei Huang, Sin Ming Chen (2008)“Prove the Relationship Between Particle Size and Turbidity Fluctuations by Image Analysis” IADIS European Conference on Data Mining, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 170-172, July, 24 – 26. 39. 谢盈如, 陈玮仪, 陈薪名, 黄昱维, 巫书毅, 郑文伯(2008)"应用连续性监测探讨浊度变化情形与胶羽粒径相关性"第三十三届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 40. 郑文伯, 谢盈如, 陈薪名, 黄昱维, 巫书毅 (2009) "应用浊度连续性监测系统探讨混凝最佳剂量"第五届海峡两岸饮用水安全控制技术及管理研讨会(澳门) 41. 郑文伯, 张仁能, 谢盈如, 黄昱维, 巫书毅 (2009) "以浊度在线连续监测系统进行混凝连续流模场之胶羽监测"第三十四届废水处理技术研讨会论文集. 42. Wen Po Cheng, Ruey Fang Yu, Jen Neng Chang (2011) “Using Turbidity Data for On-line Monitoring the Floc Diameter in a Coagulation Pilot Plant: Prove by Image Analysis” IADIS European Conference on Data Mining, Rome, July, 24 – 26. 43. 郑文伯, 田敦仁, 傅启华, (2011) "有机物对NF膜浓缩净水污泥溶出铝盐之影响"第三十六届废水处理技术研讨会论文集.
1. 余瑞芳, 郑文伯, 朱美玲「监测废水中悬浮微粒粒径分布之系统与方法」(A method and device of applying on-line digital image analysis to monitor the particle size distribution of wastewater suspended solids),发明专利,2007年4月提出申请(公开中)申请案号96108076。 2. 郑文伯, 高瑜苹, 余瑞芳「利用浊度量测值的变异性来推估胶凝程序中胶羽颗粒体积的变化情况」(Applying the variation of turbidity measurement to estimate the change of flocs size in flocculation process),发明专利,2007年6月提出申请(公开中)申请案号96119832。 3. 郑文伯, 傅启华「含铝污泥之铝盐回收浓缩方法与系统」(Condensed system and method for alum recovery from sludge),发明专利,2011年1月提出申请(公开中)申请案号99146434。 4. 郑文伯, 傅启华「使用隔膜式电解法从混凝污泥中回收铝盐」(Using diaphragm electrolysis method to recover aluminum from coagulation sludge),发明专利,2011年6月提出申请(公开中)申请案号100119134。 三、参与之研究计划 苗栗县环保局